liability insurance

liability insurance
страх. страхование (гражданской) ответственности (вид страхования, в котором объектом выступает ответственность страхователя по закону перед третьими лицами за причиненный в результате действий страхователя имущественный ущерб или нанесенные телесные повреждения)
property damage liability insurance, advertising liability, aircraft liability insurance, airport liability insurance, automobile liability insurance, bobtail insurance, bodily injury liability insurance, business liability insurance, clinical trials liability insurance, compulsory automobile liability insurance, deadhead insurance, directors and officers liability insurance, employer's liability insurance, employment practices liability insurance, environmental liability insurance, fiduciary liability insurance, fire legal liability insurance, general liability insurance, libel insurance, non-trucking liability insurance, owners and contractors protective liability insurance, patent liability insurance, personal injury liability insurance, personal liability insurance, pollution liability insurance, product liability insurance, professional liability insurance, property damage liability insurance, special event liability insurance, supplemental liability insurance, umbrella liability insurance, completed operations insurance, wrap-up insurance, owner-controlled insurance program, contractor-controlled insurance program, completed operations liability, commercial general liability, cargo liability, premises liability, market share liability, employee benefits liability, claims-made coverage, long-tail liability, occurrence coverage, casualty insurance, protection and indemnity, property-liability insurance, absolute liability, legal liability, civil liability, liability policy, liability claim, liability coverage, liability reinsurance, liability risk, liability limit, hammer clause, omnibus clause

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страхование обязательства: вид страхования, которое защищает от возникновения финансовых обязательств, которые могут иметь место в результате каких-либо действий застрахованного лица (напр., порча чужого имущества, увечья, нанесенные в автомобильной аварии и др.).
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страхование гражданской ответственности
. . Словарь экономических терминов .
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Международное страхование
страхование ответственности
вид страхования, по которому страховщик берет на себя обязательства возместить страхователю суммы, подлежащие им уплате третьим лицам за причиненный ущерб

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "liability insurance" в других словарях:

  • Liability insurance — is a part of the general insurance system of risk financing. Originally, individuals or companies that faced a common peril , formed a group and created a self help fund out of which to pay compensation should any member incur loss. The modern… …   Wikipedia

  • liability insurance — insurance covering the insured against losses arising from injury or damage to another person or property. * * * Insurance against claims of loss or damage for which a policyholder might have to compensate another party. The policy covers losses… …   Universalium

  • liability insurance — Insurance that protects a party from various types of claims. Typically liability insurance protects the insured from losses resulting from property damage claims or from bodily injury claims. Construction lenders usually require contractors to… …   Financial and business terms

  • liability insurance — n: insurance against loss resulting from civil liability for injury or damage to the persons or property of others see also comprehensive general liability insurance Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Liability Insurance — Any type of insurance policy that protects an individual or business from the risk that they may be sued and held legally liable for something such as malpractice, injury or negligence. Liability insurance policies cover both legal costs and any… …   Investment dictionary

  • liability insurance — noun insurance that provides protection from claims arising from injuries or damage to other people or property • Hypernyms: ↑insurance * * * noun : insurance against loss resulting from liability for injury or damage to the persons or property… …   Useful english dictionary

  • liability insurance — A form of insurance policy that promises to pay any compensation and court costs the policyholder becomes legally liable to pay because of claims for injury to other people or damage to their property as a result of the policyholder s negligence …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • liability insurance coverage — Insurance that provides compensation to third parties who are injured or whose property is damaged due to the fault of the insurance holder. You may have liability insurance for your car or your home, or to cover actions you take in the course of …   Law dictionary

  • liability insurance — insurance against damage which the insured person causes to others, compensation for injury caused to pedestrians or passengers during an auto accident …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Liability insurance crisis — The liability insurance crisis in the United States of America refers to a volatile economic period during the mid 1980s. During these years, until about 1990, rising insurance premiums and an unavailability of coverage for several types of… …   Wikipedia

  • liability insurance — A policy or contract of insurance whereby the insurer agrees to protect the insured against liability arising from an act or omission of the insured which causes injury to the person or the property of a third person, the liability of the insurer …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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